Thursday, October 11, 2012


My beautiful cousin is always a gorgeous model for me!


As always, Nikki was a gorgeous model for me! Work it, girly!


It has, sadly, been two whole months since my last day of photography class and, as I somewhat expected, I have fallen behind on this blog. We are not required to keep them running, but I think it's a good way to update what I'm doing, keep everyone on top with new photoshoots, etc. I have my facebook page, of course, but that also gets update rather infrequently (I know the worst part of running a business for me is keeping up with it online). I want to use this blog just every now and then as a way to post a picture here, a picture there, and hopefully over the years there will be some photographic growth.

The next few posts will be the photoshoots I did in August after class ended. Enjoy!